Romantic Science – One Day Seminar





The University of Glamorgan’s Research Centre for Literature, Arts and Science will host the next meeting of the Wales and the West Romanticism Seminar on the subject of Romantic Science. The seminar will be held at our Cardiff campus, the Atrium, on September 12, 2008.

We are delighted to announce that the plenary speaker will be Prof. Anne Janowitz, who will be speaking on ’“Longing for Other Worlds”: The Plurality of Worlds Debate and the Sciences of Infinity’.

Other speakers include:

Dr Sharon Ruston, author of Shelley and Vitality (Palgrave Macmillan) and Romanticism (Continuum)

Dr Rachel Hewitt, author of the forthcoming Map of a Nation: A Biography of the Ordnance Survey (Granta)

Details about the seminar can be reached at

Information on the cost of the event (which will be minimal), the seminar site, and travel will be posted on the seminar webpage nearer to the event.

*There may still be space to offer to present a paper on the day – please contact the organisers for further information*

There will be an opportunity for all participants (not just those presenting papers) to submit an article for publication in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Literature and Science (

For further information and to register a place, please contact either Andy Smith ( or Rachel Hewitt ( at the Research Centre for Literature, Arts, and Science. Places are limited so please do register as soon as possible.

