CFP: Graduate journal issue on Technology and Humanity

Technology and Humanity

The following is a call for articles for a forthcoming themed issue of eSharp, an established peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality research by postgraduate students. eSharp is pleased to support new and early-career authors, and has actively encouraged emerging academic talent since 2002.

The twelfth issue of eSharp will consider the cultural and personal consequences of scientific and mechanistic innovation. We welcome articles which examine and engage with the effects, influences or application of technology in any area of the arts, humanities, social sciences and education, and we encourage submissions from postgraduate students at any stage of their research.

In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the journal the ideas of technology, innovation and culture can be interpreted as broadly as authors wish, and may consider, but are by no means limited to, themes such as:

* cyberspace and identity
* politics, surveillance and privacy
* the history, art and literature of the industrial and digital revolutions
* digital media and technologies of exhibition
* new technologies and the law
* cybernetics, gender and the body
* the movable type revolution
* digital narratives and virtual worlds
* education and innovation
* dystopias, dyschronias and utopias
* forensic and corpus linguistics

Submissions must be based on original research and should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length. Please accompany your article with an abstract of 200 to 250 words and a list of three to five keywords to indicate the subject area of your article. For more information, a full list of guidelines and our style sheet, please visit

Please email submissions and any enquiries you may have to

The deadline for submission of articles is Friday 12 September 2008.

