At the next BSLS conference, all five of the posts on the Executive Committee will be due for re-election, as the present incumbents have now served a three-year term of office. Any member of the society wishing to stand for election to the posts should let me know by 16 March 2009, and should also ask a nominator and seconder to email me to make the nomination. The present incumbents are eligible to stand for re-election. If there is more than one nomination for any given post, there will be an election held at the BSLS conference; should this be the case, I will ask candidates to provide a statement of no more than 200 words for circulation to members.
Further details of the posts are given below in the relevant extracts from the constitution. The constitution also makes provision for 3 member-at-large posts, at presently unfilled, and nominations for them would also be welcome. If you would like to make inquiries about the scope of any role please contact me or the current officer.
Michael Whitworth (Secretary)
4.1 There shall be an Honorary President, whose appointment is for an unlimited period.
4.2 There shall be an executive committee, consisting of: Chair; Secretary; Treasurer; Membership Secretary; Communications Officer; and not more than three Members at Large.
4.2.1 The role of the Chair is to oversee the fulfilment of the Society’s aims.
4.2.2 The role of the Secretary is to document meetings and other aspects of the Society’s activities, particularly to prepare minutes of Committee meetings and General Meetings, and to put them forward for approval.
4.2.3 The role of the Treasurer is to be signatory to the Society’s bank account(s); to present accounts for approval at the AGM.
4.2.4 The role of the Membership Secretary is to receive and process membership applications, to obtain fees from existing members, to pass on money to the Treasurer, and to maintain a membership database.
4.2.5 The role of the Communications Officer is to develop electronic resources; to manage and maintain an e-mail list, and to liaise with the Membership Secretary in relation to membership of the list.
4.3 Where it proves impossible to fill posts, one member may hold two, but no more than two posts.
4.4 Signatories for the society’s bank account(s) shall be the Treasurer and any other committee member.
4.5 The membership of the Executive Committee shall be determined by elections held at the annual general meeting of the society. Members wishing to stand for election should be nominated by two members of the society before the start of the AGM. Where there is more than one candidate for any post, election shall be held by a ballot on the basis of a single transferable vote.
4.6 Members of the Executive Committee shall serve three-year terms of office.