British Society for Literature and Science book prize 2009


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The British Society for Literature and Science is pleased to invite nominations for the annual BSLS Book Prize. The prize of £150 will be awarded to the best book published in English in 2009 in the field of literature and science. Monographs, edited volumes, editions and books of creative writing are all eligible for consideration, excepting books wholly or partly written by members of the BSLS executive.

Please send nominations, giving the author, title and publisher, to Dr John Holmes (book-prize convenor) at, with ‘BSLS Book Prize’ as the subject heading. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 16 January 2009.

* The book prize was launched in 2007. The past winners are Ralph O’Connor for The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856 (University of Chicago Press, 2007) and George Levine for Realism, Ethics and Secularism: Essays on Victorian Literature and Science (Cambridge University Press, 2008).

* Nominations are invited from BSLS members and from publishers. The authors or editors of the nominated books need not be BSLS members. BSLS members are welcome to nominate their own books.

* The book must have 2009 as its publication date.

* The winner of this year’s prize will be announced at the fifth annual conference of the BSLS in April 2010 at Northumbria University.

* The prize will be paid by means of a cheque made out in pounds sterling.

