Poetry and Geology



Poetry and Geology: A Celebration

Organised by: Main Geological Society events      
Date: 10 October 2011
Event Type: Lecture
Venue: The Geological Society (Burlington House)
Accessibility: Hearing Aid Loop Wheelchair Access
Why do so many poets write about geology? Why are geologists so drawn to poetry? 

Timed to coincide with National Poetry Day and Earth Science Week, this one day event will include talks, performances, discussion and a reading by contemporary poets. 

The talks will be on a variety of themes and writers, including Thomas Hardy and the Dorset Coast, Poetry and Climate Change, the Lake District, Poetry and the Anthropocene and Poetry Sculptures.

Keynote speakers

Francis Gilbert (www.francisgilbert.co.uk/about)
Gordon Peters (Scottish Centre for Geopoetics)

Other speakers

Dr Jan Zalasiewicz (University of Leicester)
Dr Eric Robinson (Geologists’ Association)
Rebecca Welshman (University of Exeter)
Matthew Griffiths (University of Durham)
Alyson Hallett (www.thestonelibrary.com)
Helen Mort (Writer-in-Residence, Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere)
Colin Will (Scottish Poetry Library)
Poets: Alyson Hallett (www.thestonelibrary.com)
Helen Mort (www.helenmort.com)
Michael McKimm (www.michaelmckimm.co.uk)

and others to be confirmed.

Do you have a favourite geological poem?

There will also be an event during the day for which we invite Fellows and Friends to read a favourite poem by another poet (or one they have written themselves) which touches on the theme of geology. If you would like to take part in this event please email Michael McKimm (michael.mckimm@geolsoc.org.uk) with name, contact details, and title and author of the poem by 9 September 2011.


Registration is FREE. Lunch is provided and there will be an evening wine reception. To register, please contact Georgina Worrall: georgina.worrall@geolsoc.org.uk.

Follow this event on Twitter using #geopoetry11

