We are pleased to inform you of the publication of a special issue of L’Esprit Créateur (Summer 2012, Vol. 52, No. 2) guest edited by Louise Lyle and Douglas Morrey, on ‘Genetics and French Culture’. Table of Contents below:
1 Louise Lyle — Introduction: Genetics and French Culture
10 Valérie Narayana — Zola et le génétique : torts de Comte et comptes de
25 Daniel Larangé— L’Hérédo — expression génét(h)ique de la culture :
enjeux et dangers d’une métaphore de Léon Daudet
42 Fae Brauer — “L’Art eugénique”: Biopower and the Biocultures of Neo-
Lamarckian Eugenics
59 Catriona MacLeod — L’Eugénisme pour les enfants: Heroes, Villains
and Racial Purity in Le Téméraire
75 John Marks — Jacques Monod, François Jacob, and the Lysenko Affair:
Boundary Work
89 Charlotte Baker — “Réhabiliter l’humanité de ‘ceux qui voient la nuit’”:
Albinism in Didier Destremau’s Nègre blanc
99 Guy Austin — Biological Dystopias: The Body in Contemporary French
Horror Cinema
114 Douglas Morrey — Natural and Anti-natural Evolution: Genetics and
Schizophrenia in Maurice G. Dantec’s Babylon Babies
127 Delphine Grass — Domesticating Hierarchies, Eugenic Hygiene and
Exclusion Zones: The Dogs and Clones of Houellebecq’s La Possibilité
d’une île