The British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2013
University of Kent, Canterbury
3 – 5 January 2013
This annual 3-day event gives postgraduates in the history of science, technology and medicine a chance to get to know each other and to present their work to a wider audience. The conference is organised by and for postgraduates, aiming to offer the opportunity of presenting a fifteen minute paper in a supportive environment. Our aim is for postgraduates to convene from a wide range of universities and disciplines to discuss our common interests, share experiences and network in a friendly and receptive environment.
The programme will see parallel sessions of papers spanning all three days. There will be a drinks reception on Thursday evening and a conference dinner on Friday evening.
Paper and/or session proposals for the conference must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 9th November 2012.
Please complete the Abstract Submission form (pdf) and email to:
Proposals for themed sessions are also welcome, for which we will require a 400 word summary along with the names of those involved and the suggested length (maximum two hours).
More information is available on the conference website.