Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference



Call for papers: Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference

The Centre for Medical History at the University of Exeter will be holding an interdisciplinary medical humanities conference for postgraduate researchers on the 24th and 25th July 2014.

This conference aims to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines in a manner that reflects the broad scope of exciting research being carried out in the field of the medical humanities at present. As such we welcome abstracts on any aspect of the medical humanities from postgraduates working in all disciplines, including but not restricted to English Literature, History, Film, Classics and Art History.

The conference will provide a forum for postgraduate scholars to exchange ideas and share their research in a friendly and engaging environment. The event will also allow delegates to discuss their work with senior academics in the field including keynote speakers and other members of the Exeter Centre for Medical History.

Keynote Speakers

Professor Anne Borsay, Swansea University

Dr Angelique Richardson, University of Exeter

The event will close with a roundtable session drawing together the themes arising from the conference and reflecting on future directions of research in the medical humanities.

We invite applicants to submit abstracts of up to 300 words for 20 minute papers (previously unpublished), sent to by Friday 28th March 2014 with the “subject” of the email as ‘PGMH conference abstract’.

Once the deadline has passed a panel will review the abstracts anonymously and applicants will receive a decision and feedback on their submissions. If your paper is not selected we very much hope you will still be able to attend the conference and participate in the discussion.

We hope to be able to offer a small number of travel bursaries which will be announced closer to the event.

