New book series announced, call for proposals




Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine

Edited by Sharon Ruston, Alice Jenkins, and Catherine Belling

Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine is an exciting new series that focuses on one of the most vibrant and interdisciplinary areas in literary studies: the intersection of literature, science and medicine. Comprised of academic monographs, essay collections, and Palgrave Pivot books, the series will emphasize a historical approach to its subjects, in conjunction with a range of other theoretical approaches. The series will cover all aspects of this rich and varied field and is open to new and emerging topics as well as established ones.

About the editors

Sharon Ruston is a Chair in Romanticism and Research Director for the Department of English and Creative Writing at Lancaster University, UK. She sits on the Executive Committee for the British Society of Science and Literature.

Alice Jenkins is a Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture at Glasgow University, UK. She is also a co-founder and former chair of the British Society of Science and Literature.

Catherine Belling is an Associate Professor in Medical Humanities and Bioethics at Northwestern University, USA. She is also the Executive Editor of the journal ‘Literature and Medicine’.

Call for proposals

For information about submitting a Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine proposal, please contact: Ben Doyle, or Catherine Belling, or Sharon Ruston to, Brigitte Shull, or Alice Jenkins.

Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science & Media

