ELINAS Inaugural Conference on Physics and Literature: Theory – Popularization – Aestheticization

ELINAS Inaugural Conference on Physics and Literature: Theory – Popularization – Aestheticization in Erlangen, Germany, May 29th – June 1st

Can physics be poeticized? Is there a specific rhetoric to its language? Physics and literature appear to offer two diametrically opposed ways of viewing and representing the world. Yet in combination they have great potential for development. ELINAS, the Erlangen Research Center for Literature and Natural Science, is an interdisciplinary forum dedicated to the exchange of knowledge between physics and literature. Its field of inquiry includes both the significance of language and metaphors in physical research and the discursive and narrative processes in literary representations of natural scientific

Physics and Literature: Theory  – Popularization – Aestheticization, ELINAS’ inaugural conference, will take place in Erlangen, Germany, from May 29th to June 1st. Invited speakers include scientists and humanities scholars as well as poets and novelists, amongst others Brian Schwartz (Physics, New York), Jay Labinger (Chemistry, California Insitute of Technology), Arkady Plotnitsky (English, Purdue), Dirk Vanderbeke (English, Jena), Susan M. Gaines (writer-in-residence, Fiction Meets Science, Bremen), and Durs Gruenbein (poet, Rome).

There is no conference fee. Registration is open until May 23rd.

For information on how to register, a full conference programme, and further information visit ELINAS’ conference website.

