Essay competition on science communication

At the recent PCST conference in Bahia, the issue of the deficit model was raised, in the session on science communication and its audiences. To stimulate the debate and to contribute to the community, the journal Public Understanding of Science would like to announce an essay competition. The essay title is as follows:

“In Science Communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return?”

In line with the new constitution of PCST, we’d like to encourage submissions from both younger and older scholars. The implication is that authors will have to disclose their date of birth. The essay will be fast tracked to print publication in 2015 and made freely available online.

The rules:
1. Deadline for submission 15th January 2015
2. Two essays will be selected: One from authors under 36 on 15th January 2015; One from authors 36 and more on that date
3. 8000 words or less
4. The editorial team and the editorial board of PUS will select the two winners
5. Winners will be supported by peer review and published with fanfare
6. Please send submissions to Sue Howard at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Martin Bauer and Sue Howard
Public Understanding of Science

