Abnormality and the Abnormal in the Nineteenth Century, 7 May 2015, Durham University
This one-day interdisciplinary conference, organised by the Postgraduate Representatives for the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies at Durham University, aims to explore categorisations, explanations, and implications of abnormality in the long nineteenth century, asking what the abnormal can tell us about long nineteenth century constructions of aberration, deviancy, and normality.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Measuring and/or quantifying (ab)normality; abnormality as/and spectacle; decadence, deviance and abnormal tastes; degeneration of behaviour and race; imperialistic perceptions of the ‘other’; locating and segregating the abnormal.
We invite proposals for 20-minute individual papers, or for 1 hour three-paper themed panels, from postgraduates of all disciplines and stages. Please send abstracts (individual papers 300 words / panels 500 words) including the title, all names, affiliations and a contact email address, as a Word or .pdf document, to the conference organisers at cncs@durham.ac.uk, with the subject heading ‘CNCS PG Conference: Abnormality’.
The deadline for submission is 16 January 2015.