CFP: The Victorian Popular Fiction Association 7th Annual Conference: Authenticity and Artifice, 13-15 July, 2015, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London
This year’s Victorian Popular Fiction Association Conference has much to interest science and literature scholars. As well as a keynote lecture from Professor Linda Dryden (“Stevenson and H. G. Wells: Monomaniacs, Duality and Evolutionary Science”) there is a special panel on Fakes and Frauds, hosted by Dr Ruth Heholt.
We are also asking for proposals for 20 minute papers which relate to ‘Science and its Practitioners: (Pseudo)Science, Adulteration, Séances, Mesmeric displays; Quacks, Fakes, Phonies etc.’ and ‘Cultural Constructs: Race, Social Purity, Disability, Miscegenation, Degeneration, Eugenics, Nationality etc.’ See the CFP below for full details or visit the website at
The deadline for proposals is Monday 2nd February.