An international conference on Science and Fiction: A Creative Exploration of Real and Fantastic Worlds will be hosted by the Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technology and the Catalan Society for SF and Fantasy on September 2-5, 2015. The main goal of the conference is to analyze and discuss the relations between science and fiction in literature, theatre, cinema, the arts, etc. The conference will take place at Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, September 2-4, 2015 and Vilanova i la Geltrú, Biblioteca-Museu Víctor Balaguer, September 5, 2015. The official languages of the conference will be be English and the Romance languages. The organising committee includes David Bueno (Universitat de Barcelona), Volker Dehs (Société Jules Verne), Martí Domínguez (Universitat de València), Carme Gregori (Universitat de València), David Jou (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Emma Sallent (Universitat de Barcelona) and Chris Willmott (University of Leicester).
For more information, including a more detailed CFP, deadlines, etc. please turn to