Museums, Collections, and Memory Objects: Literary Intersections



Proposed Panel at the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE) Conference, at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Calgary Alberta, 28-31 May 2016.

Museums, Collections, and Memory Objects: Literary Intersections

Call for Papers:
This panel, inspired by the recent intersections of literary and material culture studies, invites proposals that consider literary perspectives on museums, objects, and cultural or personal memory. Museums, as public and private institutions, frequently ask us to re-member – to re-collect – a common past, be it artistic, cultural, social or scientific. They contain collections and individual objects that memorialize the past, or address a broader conception of the past (which may, in fact, be beyond even collective human memory, for example evolution in natural history museums). Museum buildings themselves, in turn, can become monumental testimonies to historical periods and cultural movements. Patterns of collecting and memory objects of other kinds intersect with literary culture in complex and intriguing ways: the ways in which memory is inscribed, literally or figuratively, both reveals and restricts information – and often involves an act of fictionalizing as much as an act of remembering. This panel will explore how memory and representations of the past intersect with literary culture through an engagement with museums, collections, and/or the memory objects contained within them.

Submit proposals to: Sophie Thomas ( and Janine Rogers (

When submitting a proposal, please send the following: a file containing a 300 to 500-word paper proposal, without personal identifying marks; a file containing a 100-word abstract and a 50-word biographical statement; a filled-out copy of the 2016 Proposal Information Sheet available on the ACCUTE website.

