Call for contributors to Teaching Romanticism



As part of the ongoing series, ‘Teaching Romanticism‘, I am seeking contributions on the topic of Literature and Science. This blog post will consider the opportunities for and challenges of teaching Literature and Science within the Romantic period (broadly defined). Contributors might explore approaches to a particular text, the challenges and advantages posed by interdisciplinary approaches, the use of material culture in approaching literary texts, or any other topic of literary-scientific interest.

Individual entries are typically 200-400 words, although this is variable, and should take around an hour to write. Ideally, I’m looking for for 3-5 contributors, although more contributors writing shorter pieces would also be welcome. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any ideas.

To get an idea of the tone and approach of previous entries, see the on Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited by Daniel Cook:…/

Due date: 11th January

Please send expressions of interest to Ros Powell (

