CALL FOR REVIEWERS: Journal of Literature and Science



Dear BSLS Members,


The Journal of Literature and Science is once again looking for reviewers to review various articles in the field of literature and science published in the last year to 18 months.

Just to remind members, the JLS is unique in reviewing journal articles rather than books in the fields of literature and science and the history and philosophy of science. As such, we believe our reviews offer scholars a truly valuable guide to some of the most recent and cutting-edge research in the field.

Please find below are a number of articles that we would like to offer members the chance to review for the Journal’s forthcoming 2016 issues. Its largely first come, first served, so do get in touch with an offer to do a specific article

I’d also be very happy for members to suggest other relevant articles for review that they may have come across and that aren’t listed below – please do let me know.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you,

Michelle Geric



Jess Keiser, “Nervous Figures: Enlightenment Neurology and the Personified Mind.” ELH 82. 4 (2015) 1073-1108.

Melissa Bailes, “The Psychologization of Geological Catastrophe in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.” 82. 2 (2015) 671-699.

Ian Lawson, “Bears in Eden, or, This is Not the Garden You’re Looking For: Margaret Cavendish, Robert Hooke and the Limits of Natural Philosophy.” The British Journal for the History of Science 48. 4 (2015) 583-605.

Lauren Cameron, “Spencerian Evolutionary Psychology in Daniel Deronda.Victorian Literature and Culture 43. 1 (2015) 63-81.

Julie A. Smith, “Representing Animal Minds in Early Animal Autobiography: Charlotte Tucker’s The Rambles of a Rat and Nineteenth-Century Natural History.” Victorian Literature and Culture 43. 04 (2015): 725-744.

Laura Forsberg, “Nature’s Invisibilia: The Victorian Microscope and the Miniature Fairy.” Victorian Studies 57. 4 (2015) 638-666.

Michelle J. Smith and Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario, “Race, Species, and the Other: ‘Beauty and the Beast’ in Victorian Pantomime and Children’s Literature.” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 38. 1 (2016) 37-53.

Rasheed Tazudeen, “Immanent Metaphor, Branching Form(s), and the Unmaking of the Human in Alice and The Origin of Species.” Victorian Literature and Culture 45.3 (Fall 2015): 533-558.

Kari Nixon, “Seeing Things: The Dilemma of Visual Subjectivity at the Dawn of the Bacteriological Age in Strindberg’s The Father.Configurations 24. 1 (2016) 25-52.

Sari Altschuler, “From Empathy to Epistemology: Robert Montgomery Bird and the Future of the Medical Humanities.” American Literary History 28. 1 (2016) 1-26.

Heather A. Love, “Cybernetics Modernism and the Feedback Loop: Ezra Pound’s Poetics of Transmission.” Modernism/Modernity 23. 1 (2016) 89-111.

Maggie Tonkin, “‘The Time of the Loony’: Psychosis, Alienation, and R. D. Laing in the Fictions of Muriel Spark and Angela Carter.” Contemporary Women’s Writing 9. 3 (2015) 366-384.


Reviews should be 750 words long. For more details please follow the link or contact Michelle Geric to register your interest.



