Reviews that have appeared on the British Society for Literature and Science website in January 2016
- Evan Gottlieb and Juliet Shields (eds.) Representing Place in British Literature and Culture, 1660–1830: From Local to Global
- Johan Höglund, The American Imperial Gothic: Popular Culture, Empire, Violence
- Brad Pasanek, Metaphors of Mind: An Eighteenth-Century Dictionary
- Victoria Flanagan, Technology and Identity in Young Adult Fiction: The Posthuman Subject
- Sarah C Alexander, Victorian Literature and the Physics of the Imponderable
- Dewey W Hall, Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An Ecocritical Study, 1789-1912
A list of books for which we are currently seeking reviewers can be found here.
Please email Gavin Budge on <> if you would like to propose a book for review – anything published from 2010 onwards will be considered.
This is a list of books that are currently in the process of being reviewed.
A list of books that have already been reviewed on the British Society for Literature and Science website can be found here.