Reviews that have appeared on the British Society for Literature and Science website in July 2017
- Timothy Morton, Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence
- Gillian Beer, Alice in Space: The Sideways Victorian World of Lewis Carroll
- Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim (eds.), Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power
- Andrew Sloane, Vulnerability and Care: Christian Reflections on the Philosophy of Medicine
- Graham Harrison, The African Presence: Representations of Africa in the Construction of Britishness
- Hubert Zapf, Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts
- Erik Parens, Shaping Our Selves: On Technology, Flourishing and a Habit of Thinking
- John Rieder, Science Fiction and the Mass Cultural Genre System
- Hillary Eklund, (ed), Ground-Work: English Renaissance Literature and Soil Science
- Allan Ingram and Leigh Wetherall Dickson (eds.), Disease and Death in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture: Fashioning the Unfashionable
- Joseph P. Huston, Marcos Nadal, Francisco Mora, Luigi F. Agnati and Camilo J. Cela-Conde (eds) Art, Aesthetics and the Brain
- Lucinda Cole, Imperfect Creatures: Vermin, Literature and the Sciences of Life, 1600-1740
- Dermot Coleman, George Eliot and Money: Economics, Ethics and Literature
- Angelique Richardson (ed), After Darwin: Animals, Emotions, and the Mind
- Theresa M Kelley, Clandestine Marriage: Botany and Romantic Culture
- Mark S Morrisson, Modernism, Science, and Technology
- Emelyne Godfrey (ed), Utopias and Dystopias in the Fiction of H.G. Wells and William Morris: Landscape and Space
- Paul Crawford, Brian Brown, Charley Baker, Victoria Tischler and Brian Abrams, Health Humanities
A list of books for which we are currently seeking reviewers can be found here.
Please email Gavin Budge on <> if you would like to propose a book for review – anything published from 2015 onwards will be considered.