What are the relations between literature, science and the arts within our field today? This special double issue marks a unique collaboration between the Journal of Literature and Science and Configurations. The first instalment – JLS 10:1 – was published this year and can be read here. We now invite short papers for the second issue, to be published in 2018.
The aim of the double issue is to enable scholars of all career-stages to debate the nature of the interdisciplinary relations of our field in short and sharp “position” papers of approximately 2000 words. We welcome papers which respond directly to pieces published in JLS 10:1, but we also preserve a more general list of suggested topics from our original call:
1. The meanings of interdisciplinarity in the field
2. The place of the study of literature and science within the academy
3. International variations or international synergies
4. Collaborative work between literature/arts and the scientific community
5. How do we (now) define “literature” in the dyad of literature and science?
6. The relationship between cultural theory and historicism in the field
7. How is literature and science evolving in relation to its own splintering (into animal studies, neuroscience, environmental studies, etc.)?
8. Speculations: what is the future of the field?
9. Reflections: where has the field most profited and where has it gone astray?
The editors also particularly welcome discussion of any of the following with respect to the above topics:
teaching and pedagogical practice
material culture and book history
the corporatization of the university
the current crisis in the humanities and/or economic pressures on the sciences
Submission information for the second issue:
Length of contribution: 2000 words
Deadline: December 16th, 2017
Send to: Rajani Sudan ( & Will Tattersdill
(Decisions on inclusion in the second issue by February 2018)