CFP: contributors sought for proposed panel on ‘Science in the Literary Garden’ for BSLS 2019 annual conference



The garden has long held a significant place in literary discourse, whether the natural garden in receipt books or herbals, for example, or the hypothetical garden, the biblical garden, or the lunar garden occasionally found in the fantastic voyages of the seventeenth century. The garden, too, has taken many forms, whether the cultivated garden, the meadow, the field or forest or the metaphorical garden. But the garden has also been a site for the practice of science, whether in grafting, herbal medicines, geographical purposes or as a site for ‘scientific’ conversations.

Whether the genre is poetry, drama or prose (non-fiction or fiction) this panel seeks to explore the literary context where both the garden and science intersect. Note that the garden ‘text’ here can also include art, history, and so forth. The context, however, is the intersection of science and the garden. The historical period also is open.

While the literary discourse of the western world offers a wide range of possibilities, papers dealing with the non-western European world, such as Africa, Asia, and Australasia are particularly welcome.

Prospective panelists should forward a proposal or abstract of about 250 words and a current vita by Friday, November 30, 2018 to Panel Moderator:  Judy A. Hayden, PhD, Professor of English, University of Tampa, 401 West Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33604-1490.

