Forest Ecology in Fantasy Fiction: Mobilising the Imaginative Resources of Fantasy Fiction for Living with Forests.
The University of Birmingham is offering a funded PhD studentship on forest ecology in fantasy fiction under the Forest Edge PhD programme funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The project will involve collaboration between the schools of English, Drama and Creative Studies (EDACS) and Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES), the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) and Ruskin Land. The PhD will be jointly supervised by Prof John Holmes (EDACS), Prof Jon Sadler (GEES) and Dr Will Tattersdill (EDACS), with support from John Iles (Ruskin Land).
For more information about the project, click below:
Forest Edge PhD guidance notes
The deadline for applications is 10 February 2020. Applicants should have experience of studying literature at university level. Beyond this, we welcome candidates with diverse educational and disciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise for this interdisciplinary PhD. For full details on funding and to begin an application, please click on the link below:
If you would like to discuss this project further before applying, please email John Holmes ( in the first instance.