Wanted: Assistant Reviews Editors



Do you like books? Great! We are looking to recruit at least two new Assistant Reviews Editors to take up their post as soon as possible, with a special responsibility for looking after North American University Presses, and non-UK European publishers, to assist the Reviews Editor with the reviews process (i.e. keeping an eye out for relevant publications, processing review enquiries and commissioning reviews, ordering and providing review copies, updating the review database online). To make this process easier the BSLS will be rolling out an automated form and dedicated email address for processing review enquiries this year. These positions are suitable for all career stages.
If you have any questions at all, please contact the current reviews editor, Dr Franziska Kohlt. Please send your Expressions of Interest (c.350 words), outlining relevant experience, your career, as well as two academics to endorse your application, to bslsreviews@gmail.com by the 16th of March [edited: this deadline was extended from 29th February because of UCU industrial action].

