Our 2020 annual conference at the University of Sheffield has been cancelled, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The BSLS executive committee and conference organisers know this will be very disappointing, but given ‘social distancing’ measures, international travel restrictions and, above all, concern for the health of our members, this is a necessary step for us to take.
The BSLS exec is deeply appreciative of the careful planning and many, many hours of work carried out by Katherine Ebury, Helena Ifill, and the rest of the conference committee, and we thank them for their efforts in putting together what would have been a wonderful programme.
We will endeavour to host the AGM (and book prize announcement) online in some way, and will announce the details of this soon.
We are currently investigating whether parts of the programme might be repurposed – perhaps hosted online, or transposed to our Winter Symposium or 2021 annual conference at Edinburgh Napier University. Please send any suggestions you might have to Fran Kohlt (franziska.kohlt@york.ac.uk), our book reviews editor, and these will be discussed at the online AGM.
Refunds for conference registration can be obtained by emailing the University of Sheffield’s online shop: Onlinestore@Sheffield.ac.uk.
The executive committee recognises that some delegates (particularly the unwaged and those not affiliated to institutions) may be unable to reclaim some of their expenditure, and may not be covered by travel insurance. More fortunate members might wish to donate their reclaimed registration fees to a hardship fund – they can do so here: https://justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bsls2020. If you cannot reclaim expenditure and wish to apply to the hardship fund, please email relevant receipts to our Communications officer, Will Tattersdill (w.j.tattersdill@bham.ac.uk), by 15th April.
Wishing you all the very best at this difficult time, and hoping we can all meet again soon,
Greg Lynall (Chair of BSLS)
14 March 2020