Call for Abstracts: Exploring the Art-Science Interface



Abstract submission is now OPEN for this exciting new EGU 2021 session. We are looking for abstracts exploring collaboration between science and the arts! Whether it’s using art as a Science communication tool, an arts project dealing with geoscience themes (such as climate change theatre performance or an art series), an assessment of historical sci-art collaborations or a geoscience project using art – all are welcome to submit! 

To submit please visit:

Deadline for paper submissions is 13 January 2021, 13:00 CET so please submit your abstracts as soon as possible to avoid missing out!

Info on the session: 

Interdisciplinary collaboration between artists and geoscientists are becoming increasingly invaluable in communicating complex geoscience subjects to non-experts. Topics such as climate change can be contradictory and confusing to the general public, particularly in terms of uncertainty and impact. It is therefore vital that STEM communicators work to find alternative methods to enable dialogue between experts and the wider public on how to face and respond to these increasingly prevalent topics.

This session will combine a traditional academic poster session showcasing interdisciplinary research which will explore the dialogues between the geosciences and the arts alongside a display of art that aims to visually showcase these practises in action. The session welcomes submissions in medium of visual art, music, photography and/or theatre. Through symbiotically mixing STEM and the arts together in this way, the session aims to enable a discussion on how to use the two to explore and communicate the social, economic, political and environmental factors facing society and drive improved communication.

Participants from all backgrounds, whether scientist, artist or both are invited to submit content to this session, especially if they have shown interest in previous interdisciplinary ventures such as the yearly artist residency and EOS sessions. The session will host conventional presentations of research as well as mini try-out sessions aimed at getting scientists to explore their field using artistic mediums with a network with artists.

