BSLS2021 annual conference – update



Dear members,

We’re very excited to be welcoming you to the annual conference on Thursday.

Access to the conference webpage will be sent out on Thursday at 9am BST. A link to the Microsoft Teams site will be included on the webpage – all members have been granted access already, but the link will help you to locate the conference Teams, if you’re struggling to find it at present.

The panel Teams channels will go live from 9am BST on Thursday 8th April. The official welcome will be at 3pm BST on Thursday, in the ‘Welcome’ channel.

In advance of the main conference, there’s an ECR Pre-Conference ‘Show and Tell!’ Event (7pm BST Wednesday 7th April):

If you’re an Early Career Researcher, please come along to this pre-conference social event for some light networking and an opportunity to meet the rest of the community. Bring with you an image that bears in some way on the subject of your research. This could be something you’re working on right now – a text, object, or artwork. You’ll have just a few moments to introduce your image and yourself informally. This is not an official presentation, and participation is completely optional. Some of the BSLS committee will be along to welcome you as well! When the time comes, connect to Wonder via this link.

Do look out for the announcement on Thursday morning, and we look forward to seeing you very soon!

BSLS Executive Committee

