Registration is now open for ‘Imagining Queer Ecologies’, a one-day online symposium hosted by the British Society for Literature and Science and the University of Oxford. Taking place via Microsoft Teams on Friday 01 December 2023, from 09:00 to 18:40 GMT, the symposium is free, open to all, and encouraging of participation from postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and early-career researchers (ECRs). Programme and tickets available via our Eventbrite page.
Imagining Queer Ecologies, 1 December 2023
Registration is now open for ‘Imagining Queer Ecologies’, a one-day online symposium hosted by the British Society for Literature and Science and the University of Oxford. Taking place via Microsoft Teams on Friday 01 December 2023, from 09:00 to 18:40 GMT, the symposium is free, open to all, and encouraging of participation from postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and early-career researchers (ECRs). Programme and tickets available via our Eventbrite page.