Author: Jenni Halpin

  • de Groot, Jerome, Double Helix History: Genetics and the Past


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    Jerome de Groot, Double Helix History: Genetics and the Past (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023) 222 pp. £29.59 Pb. £108.00 Hb. £29.59 eBook ISBN: 9780367512354 Considering the ways in which genetic science has begun to inflect not only what we make of the past but especially how historians investigate the past and what they envision this science…

  • DeFalco, Amelia, Curious Kin in Fictions of Posthuman Care

    This book gives all its key terms serious play in service of its exploration of ‘forms of care that resist […] human exceptionalism’ (26). Ranging through curiosity’s interest and strangeness, the biological connections and physical divisions of kin, fictions in several media, and a breathtaking array of posthumanist framings, to the combinations of feeling and…

  • BSLS Spring Newsletter: Call for Submissions



    BSLS members are invited to submit items suitable for inclusion by Word attachment to Please direct them to me by Monday, May 1. Notices referring to the past three months’ activities are welcomed. I especially encourage you to send: Notices of new books (including monographs and edited volumes) published by members; Brief reports on…

  • Call for Submissions for the BSLS Winter Newsletter



    As many of you will recall, we are moving to a quarterly publication of the BSLS newsletter; in hopes that our inaugural Winter Newsletter will be richly more than a masthead followed by filler, BSLS members are invited to submit items suitable for inclusion by Word attachment to Please direct them to me by…

  • BSLS Autumn 2016 Newsletter



    BSLS members are invited to submit items suitable for inclusion in this autumn’s Newsletter by Word attachment to Please direct them to me by Friday, October 28. Notices referring to the past twelve months’ activities are welcomed. At this time we are also shifting to a quarterly publication. To that end, you can expect…

  • CFP: Ecotheory and the Premodern



    The CFP is for a special issue of the journal Cogent Humanities on Ecotheory and the Premodern. The link is here:

  • The Eye’s Mind: Visual Imagination, Neuroscience and the Humanities


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    An international conference at Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 20 – 22 May 2016 Many fields of culture, especially art and literature, religion and science, rely on the visual imagination. Its importance for our mental life has long made it a subject of interest to philosophers, and more recently…

  • CFP: Ageing Brains and Minds, Ageing Senses and Sentiments: Literature, Neurology, Psychiatry (due 15/2/2016)


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    AGEING BRAINS AND MINDS, AGEING SENSES AND SENTIMENTS: LITERATURE, NEUROLOGY, PSYCHIATRY May 26-27, 2016 Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris The Bergen Literature and Science Research group invites scholars of the humanities, neurologists and psychiatrists to explore the phenomenology of the ageing self. This research seminar encourages topics that intrinsically connect especially literary texts on…

  • Newsletter Call for Submissions, 2015



    BSLS members are invited to submit items suitable for inclusion in this autumn’s Newsletter by Word attachment to Please direct them to me by Tuesday, October 27. Notices referring to the past twelve months’ activities are welcomed. I especially encourage you to send: Notices of new books (including monographs and edited volumes) published by…

  • Leane, Elizabeth, Reading Popular Physics

    Elizabeth Leane, Reading Popular Physics: Disciplinary Skirmishes and Textual Strategies (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), 208 pp. £55 hb. ISBN 978-0-7546-5850-4. (BSLS members receive a discount on all Ashgate titles) A critical consideration of the literary, scientific, and cultural contexts in which popular physics writing intervenes, Elizabeth Leane’s Reading Popular Physics: Disciplinary Skirmishes and Textual Strategies establishes surveyors’…
