If you are already a member, log in here:
Lost your password?The annual cost of membership is £25. Reduced membership, costing £10, is available to postgraduates and others not in full-time employment.
If you encounter any problems with any of the payment methods below, please contact the Treasurer, Dr. Laura E. Ludtke.
You can join BSLS or renew your membership in three ways:
- By cheque. Please contact the Treasurer (Dr. Laura E. Ludtke) for the postal address. Cheques can be made payable to the British Society for Literature and Science. If you are a postgraduate or otherwise not in full-time employment, you will need to enclose a statement along with your cheque, that you are eligible for reduced rate membership. Please include your email address if you would like acknowledgement of receipt of your cheque.
- By bank transfer. You can make a one-off payment or establish a standing order. You will need a UK bank account. If you would like to pay this way, please contact the Treasurer for our account details.
- By PayPal. When paying this way, there is an additional charge of £1.00, to cover some of PayPal’s fees.
We have had one report of a user being returned to the “Payment Cancelled” page when they had clicked “Return to Shop”: if anything similar happens, do let Michael Whitworth know on bsls.treasurer[at]gmail.com
Reduced price (£11):
Full price (£26):
Important: when you pay, please also email your details to our Membership Secretary, Louise Benson James, to ensure you receive the full benefits. Please include:
- your prefix/title; first name; last name;
- position;
- university/institutional affiliation;
- email;
- and a 30-word summary of your key research interests. (This summary will be viewable by other members but, rather than listing publications, should inform as to your central areas of focus).
- Please also confirm whether you would like to review publications relevant to your research, for the BSLS website.
Please note that renewal of membership takes place in April of each year, to align with the BSLS Conference, and runs to the end of the following April, not a year after the date you joined. Memberships purchased after 1st Jan will run to the end of April of the following year.
Standing Order
Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to establish a standing order, for details of our sort code, account number, and how to identify the payment as yours.