Tag: Graduate Students news

  • London 19th C Studies Seminars

    AUTUMN TERM 2009 The London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminars this term are organised by Birbeck College and entitled ‘The Victorians and Science’. The convener is Ana Vadillo (Birkbeck) 17 October 2009, 11am, Room G37 (Senate House, South Block, Ground Floor) Dr. Adelene Buckland (University of Cambridge), ‘Lyell’s Plots’ Dr. Angelique Richardson (University of Exeter), ‘Hardy…

  • PhD opportunity in literature and science

    King’s College London / University of Stuttgart PhD-Net “Internationalisation of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” Application deadline: 15/11/2008 The PhD-Net “Internationalisation of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” is a bi-national PhD programme run collaboratively by King’s College London and the University of Stuttgart, which aims to forge interdisciplinary connections…

  • CFP: Graduate journal issue on Technology and Humanity

    Technology and Humanity The following is a call for articles for a forthcoming themed issue of eSharp, an established peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality research by postgraduate students. eSharp is pleased to support new and early-career authors, and has actively encouraged emerging academic talent since 2002. The twelfth issue of eSharp will consider the cultural and…

  • New Kings interdisciplinary MA in Eighteenth-Century Studies

    King’s College London and the British Museum are delighted to announce the launch in September 2008 of their new MA in Eighteenth-Century Studies. This is an interdisciplinary degree drawing upon the skills of scholars from eight departments in King’s School of Humanities, alongside those of senior staff at the Museum. Further information is available on…
