Tag: publishing

  • Special Issue of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net



    Science, Technology and the Senses, edited by Sibylle Erle and Laurie Garrison We are delighted to announce the release of this special issue of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net available at http://www.ron.umontreal.ca/. Contributors to the volume include: Laurie Garrison and Sibylle Erle,, ‘Introduction’ Sibylle Erle, ‘Blake, Colour and the Truchsessian Gallery: Modelling the Mind…

  • CFP: Special issue of Victorian Studies on Darwin


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    2009 is both the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species. Victorian Studies will mark the occasion with a special issue on “Darwin and the Evolution of Victorian Studies.�? The study of Darwin and the relationship of his life and work to Victorian culture has become an industry.…

  • Publishing Science: IES, London

    The Institute of English Studies and the Book History Research Group of the Open University have a series of seminars titled ‘Publishing Science’ that may be of interest. Speakers are Jonathan Topham (28 Jan 2008), Jim Mussell (11 Feb), Gowan Dawson (25 Feb), and Angelique Richardson (10 March). The venue is Senate House: see the…

  • Back to the future

    In the run up to the second conference of the society it’s instructive to look back to our inaugural conference and its context. Gowan Dawson (University of Leicester) has recently offered an incisive review of the opportunities afforded by the range of interests and periods that the society brings together. In his article ‘Literature and…
