Yearly Calendar
Book prize
Essay Prize
Book reviews
The British Society for Literature and Science reviews books on all aspects of literature and science on our website. Please follow these links for all current book reviews by period: General and Theory Early Modern to Eighteenth Century Romantic and Victorian Modern and Contemporary These are some of the most recent reviews: Bruce Clarke with Manuela Rossini (eds), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science Jill Galvan, The Sympathetic Medium Laurie Garrison, Science, Sexuality and Sensation Novels Barri J. Gold, ThermoPoetics: Energy in Victorian Literature and Science Katherine Hodgkin (ed.), Women, Madness and Sin in Early Modern England: The Autobiographical Writings of Dionys Fitzherbert Jeanette Eileen Jones and Patrick B. Sharp (eds), Darwin in Atlantic Cultures Cannon Schmitt, Darwin and the Memory of the Human Sally Shuttleworth, The Mind of the Child: Child Development in Literature, Science, and Medicine, 1840-1900 Srdjan Smajić, Ghost-Seers, Detectives, and Spiritualists Reviews are also listed by author and title, by date of publication and by reviewer. If you would like to submit a book to be reviewed, please send it to Dr John Holmes, BSLS Reviews Editor, Dept. of English and American Literature, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AA, U.K. If you would like to review books, please email…
About Us
Welcome to the members’ homepage on the BSLS site. We are working on adding content here. One project in development is a section for teaching resources in literature and science being prepared by Janine Rogers. We are pleased to announce the first of our interview series with prominent scholars in the field of literature and science. Our first interviewee is Professor George Levine. Future interviews are planned with Dame Gillian Beer and Harriet Ritvo. For now have a look at current members research interests and take advantage of a 20% discount provided by Oxford University Press to society members.
Thank you for your interest in BSLS. To become a new member, please: Email the following information to Stella Pratt-Smith: your prefix/title; first name; last name; position; university/institutional affiliation; mailing address; email; preferred telephone number; and a summary of your key research interests in approximately 30 words. (Please note that this summary will be viewable by other members but, rather than listing publications, should inform as to your central areas of focus.) Either send a cheque made payable to the British Society for Literature and Science, for £10 (annual membership) WITH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS TO CONFIRM RECEIPT to Dr Daniel Cordle (Treasurer, BSLS) School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Lane, Nottingham NG11 8NS. Or, if you would prefer to pay by standing order so your membership renews automatically, please see the information under ‘Renew’ below. Or, by PayPal, by following the instructions for renewal, shown as (4) below. Confirm whether you would like to review publications relevant to your research, for the BSLS website. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you as a member. Renewal of memberships takes place on January 1st each year. PLEASE NOTE THAT MEMBERSHIP RUNS TO THE END OF THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR (NOT TO A YEAR AFTER…
Anna T.
Jung, Susanne,
Bouncing Back: Queer Resilience in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century English Literature and Culture
Oct 2, 2020
Anna T.
Modern and Contemporary