Tag: 2013
DeShazer, Mary K., Mammographies: The Cultural Discourses of Breast Cancer Narratives
Mary K. DeShazer, Mammographies: The Cultural Discourses of Breast Cancer Narratives (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2013) 239 pp. $33.95 Pb, $60 Hb. ISBN: 978-0-472-03635-6 In the early part of the twentieth century, breast cancer was a taboo subject, one which often induced hushed tones, superstition, or, most often, silence. In the 1970s, second…
Redish, A David, The Mind Within the Brain: How We Make Decisions and how those Decisions Go Wrong
A David Redish, The Mind Within the Brain: How We Make Decisions and how those Decisions Go Wrong (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013) 392 pp. £27.49 Hb. ISBN: 9780199891887 Redish’s book is ambitious in its scope and style; not only does he want to explain how action-selection systems work in the brain, but also how…
Crowley, Caroline and Denis Linehan (eds), Spacing Ireland: Place, Society and Culture in a Post-Boom Era
Caroline Crowley and Denis Linehan (eds), Spacing Ireland: Place, Society and Culture in a Post-Boom Era (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2013) 224 pp. £17.99 Pb. £75.00 Hb. ISBN: 978-0-7190-8679-3 The transformation of Ireland from a country with prosperity and rapid development to one undergoing a stark recession is the starting point for Spacing Ireland: Place,…
Elbert, Monika and Bridget M. Marshall (eds), Transnational Gothic: Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century
Monika Elbert and Bridget M. Marshall (eds), Transnational Gothic: Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century (Farnham: Ashgate 2013) 282 pp. £37.99 Pb, £110.00 Hb. ISBN: 9781409447702 Through its engaging and multiple approaches, Transnational Gothic: Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century offers original insights on the development of the Gothic…
Boehm, Katharina, Charles Dickens and the Sciences of Childhood: Popular Medicine, Child Health and Victorian Culture
Katharina Boehm, Charles Dickens and the Sciences of Childhood: Popular Medicine, Child Health and Victorian Culture (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan 2013) x, 236 pp. £45.99 PDF, EPUB, £55 Pb, £58 Hb. ISBN: 978-1-137-36249-0 In her introduction, Katharina Boehm cites Thomas Kuhn and Bruno Latour as pioneers in the study of ‘knowledge-producing practices, undertaken by many different social…
Richardson, Angelique (ed), After Darwin: Animals, Emotions, and the Mind
Angelique Richardson (ed), After Darwin: Animals, Emotions, and the Mind (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2013) xvi + 369 pp. €112.00 Hb. ISBN: 978-90-420-3747-2 ‘After Darwin, something changed,’ declares Angelique Richardson in her introduction to this wide-ranging and insightful book. ‘The disciplines, never far apart to begin with, were now brought into newly self-conscious dialogue.’ (4). The book…
Harrison, Graham, The African Presence: Representations of Africa in the construction of Britishness
Graham Harrison, The African Presence: Representations of Africa in the construction of Britishness (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2013) 232 pp. £17.99 Pb, £75.00 Hb. ISBN: 978-0-7190-8885-8 Images such as a starving black child, disaster, poverty and famine in Africa are commonly used by Africa campaign organisations in Britain. Despite these representations of Africa and Africans being…
de Bolla, Peter, The Architecture of Concepts: The Historical Formation of Human Rights
Peter de Bolla, The Architecture of Concepts: The Historical Formation of Human Rights (New York: Fordham University Press 2013) x+298 pp. $40.00 Pb, $130.00 Hb. ISBN: 978-0-8232-5439-2 Peter de Bolla’s ambitious The Architecture of Concepts essentially offers three books in one. As its subtitle suggests, it aims to contribute to an understanding of the historical origins…
Seeber, Barbara K., Jane Austen and Animals
Barbara K. Seeber, Jane Austen and Animals (London: Routledge 2013) 162 pp. £95.00 Hb. ISBN: 9781409456049 In 1792, Thomas Taylor, the Platonist (1758-1835), unconvinced by contemporary tracts advocating greater equality among humans, and alarmed by the violence and disorder similar views were producing in France, published A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes (1792). It…
Fulton, Richard D and Peter H Hoffenberg (eds), Oceania and the Victorian Imagination: Where All Things Are Possible
Richard D Fulton and Peter H Hoffenberg, eds, Oceania and the Victorian Imagination: Where All Things Are Possible (Oxford: Routledge 2013) 220 pp. £34.99 Pb, £100.00 Hb. ISBN: 978-1138249417 In their thoughtful introduction to this wide-ranging volume of essays, Richard Fulton and Peter Hoffenberg set the stage for the blurry boundaries of Pacific Islands in…