The BSLS is delighted to announce this year’s shortlist for its annual book prize, celebrating the best work in literature and science published in 2018:
Rachel Crossland, Modernist Physics: Waves, Particles, and Relativities in the Writings of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence (Oxford University Press)
John Holmes, The Pre-Raphaelites and Science (Yale University Press)
Julia Miele Rodas, Autistic Disturbances: Theorizing Autism Poetics from the DSM to Robinson Crusoe (University of Michigan Press)
Richard C. Sha, Imagination and Science in Romanticism (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Megan Ward, Seeming Human: Artificial Intelligence and Victorian Realist Character (The Ohio State University Press)
Congratulations to the shortlisted authors! The winner will be announced at the conference dinner in April.